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2024C | 0053 | | Hatchery | 06 | Active | | D3 | University Farm | CS | College Station | 1 | Fee Simple | 1 | Satisfactory | 1 | General Purpose | 1994 | 01 | 366 | 362 Aquatic Rd | College Station | 77845 | | 2024C | 0054 | | Sample Processing Laboratory | 06 | Active | | D3 | University Farm | CS | College Station | 1 | Fee Simple | 1 | Satisfactory | 5 | Agricultural Services | 1987 | 01 | 1944 | 201 Reveille Rd | College Station | 77845 | | 2024C | 0055 | | Storage Shed | 06 | Active | | D3 | University Farm | CS | College Station | 1 | Fee Simple | 1 | Satisfactory | 5 | Agricultural Services | 1987 | 01 | 2143 | 201 Reveille Rd | College Station | 77845 | | 2024C | 0057 | | Field Equipment Storage | 06 | Active | | D3 | University Farm | CS | College Station | 1 | Fee Simple | 1 | Satisfactory | 1 | General Purpose | 1994 | 01 | 3200 | | College Station | 77845 | Bldg renamed from "Hatchery Bldg" to "Field Equipment Storage", 7-13-23 | 2024C | 0060 | | Rainwater Restroom | 07 | Active | | D3 | University Farm | CS | College Station | 1 | Fee Simple | 1 | Satisfactory | 5 | Agricultural Services | 2008 | 01 | 80 | | College Station | 77845 | |
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Records to be used as unofficial reference only. Not official records.