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2022A | S045 | TDEM-San Antonio R6 HQ & Distribution Center | 30 | Texas Division of Emergency Management | SA | San Antonio | NBC | Non Brazos County | 256786 | 256183 | 0 | 0 | 256183 | 258715 | 0 | 0 | 258715 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2023C | S045 | TDEM-San Antonio R6 HQ & Distribution Center | 30 | Texas Division of Emergency Management | SA | San Antonio | NBC | Non Brazos County | 256786 | 256183 | 0 | 0 | 256183 | 258715 | 0 | 0 | 258715 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2010A | 0454 | MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER | 02 | Texas A&M University | A1 | Main Campus | CS | College Station | 301614 | 255038 | 6199 | 19134 | 229705 | 348009.8 | 8458.789 | 26109.13 | 313441.8 | 0.9432821 | 2.292759E-02 | 0.0707689 | 0.8495856 | 2009C | 0454 | MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER | 02 | Texas A&M University | A1 | Main Campus | CS | College Station | 301614 | 255038 | 6199 | 19274 | 229565 | 348009.8 | 8458.789 | 26300.16 | 313250.8 | 0.9432821 | 2.292759E-02 | 0.0712867 | 0.8490677 | 2023C | 3499 | Engineering Medicine Building (HSC) | 23 | Texas A&M Health Science Center | HU | Houston | NBC | Non Brazos County | 279816 | 186488 | 74206 | 1352 | 110930 | 306068 | 121788.4 | 2218.931 | 182060.6 | 1 | 0.397913 | 7.249796E-03 | 0.5948372 |
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Records to be used as unofficial reference only. Not official records.